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Vol. 53, No. 2 (April, 2001)
A. Yamada Ahlfors functions on compact bordered Riemann surfaces 261−283
K. Izuchi Singular inner functions of L1-type, II 285−305
J. Takahashi On the gap between the first eigenvalues of the Laplacian on functions and 1-forms 307−320
S. Kamada, A. Kawauchi and T. Matumoto Combinatorial moves on ambient isotopic submanifolds in a manifold 321−331
K. Kurano On Roberts rings 333−355
Y. Ando Folding maps and the surgery theory on manifolds 357−382
T. Nishimoto Higher torsion in the Morava K-theory of SO(m) and Spin(m) 383−394
C. Moeglin Conjectures sur le spectre résiduel 395−427
D. Tambara Invariants and semi-direct products for finite group actions on tensor categories 429−456
B. Kunyavskĭ and J.-J. Sansuc Réduction des groupes algébriques commutatifs 457−483
T. Nagasawa and A. Tachikawa Blow-up solutions for ordinary differential equations associated to harmonic maps and their applications 485−500

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