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Vol. 76, No. 3 (July, 2024)
H.Masai Compactification and distance on Teichmüller space via renormalized volume 673–712
L.Wang Periodic points and arithmetic degrees of certain rational self-maps 713–738
S.Ichiki A refined transversality theorem on linear perturbations and its applications 739–754
E.Graff On braids and links up to link-homotopy 755–790
T.Fuller Branched covers and pencils on hyperelliptic Lefschetz fibrations 791–812
K.Tanabe The irreducible weak modules for the fixed point subalgebra of the vertex algebra associated toa non-degenerate even lattice by an automorphism of order 2 (Part 2) 813–854
D.Burns; M.Kurihara; T.Sano On derivatives of Kato's Euler system for elliptic curves 855–919
Y.Takeuchi Quenched invariance principle for a reflecting diffusion in a continuum percolation cluster 921–949
O.Celikbas; U.Le; H.Matsui; A.Sadeghi Remarks on a conjecture of Huneke and Wiegand and the vanishing of (co)homology 951–974
S.Negami Another approach to Planar Cover Conjecture focusing on rotation systems 975–996

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